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Capitalization: The BRVM stock market boosted by more than 88 billion FCFA

Categories: Index/Markets

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At the end of the trading session of this Thursday, February 17, 2022, the market capitalization of the shares of the Regional Stock Exchange (BRVM) was greatly boosted by 88.351 billion FCFA.

This capitalization has indeed increased from 6299.612 billion FCFA the day before to 6387.963 billion FCFA at the end of the day of February 17. This strong increase is caused by that of the indices in particular the composite index BRVM which is the general index of the Stock Exchange. It thus gained 1.40% to 212.21 points against 209.27 points the day before. As for the BRVM 10 index (the index of the 10 leading stocks), it also gained 0.86% to 158.69 points against 157.34 points the day before. The market capitalization of the bond market recorded an increase of 3.959 billion to 7510.692 billion FCFA against 7506.733 billion FCFA previously. The total value of transactions fell from 744.942 million FCFA the day before to 615.476 million FCFA on 17 February.

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