NewsController :: show
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lang | "fr" |
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_controller | "App\Controller\Site\NewsController::show" |
_firewall_context | "" |
_route | "site_news_show" |
_route_params | [ "id" => "4870" ] |
_security_firewall_run | "_security_main" |
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news | App\Entity\News {#1000 -id: 4870 -type: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#936 …} -user: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\User {#1062 …} -titre: "Bulletin du matin" -description: """ <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14pt"><span style="font-family:"Bookman Old Style",serif">Les annonces de la Fed font régner la prudence sur les marchés. Ce mercredi 16 juin 2021 l’Eurostoxx 50 s’est ouvert sur une note positive de 4.143,52 points (0,26%), le CAC 40 affiche 6.639,52 points (0,35%), le DAX 30 table sur 15.729,52 points (0,36%), le FTSE 100 à 7.172,48 points (0,36%), le SMI à 11.921,97 points (0,47%), l’AEX à 730,98 points (0,12%) et le BEL 20 à 4.221,19 points (0,01%). L’IBEX 35 s’ouvre sur une note négative de 9.230,70 points avec une baisse de 0,54%. Le repli s’est également remarqué au niveau du DJIA qui s’est établit à 34.299,33 points (0,27%), le Nasdaq à 14.072,86 points (0,71%), le S&P 500 à 4.246,59 points (0,20%), le Nikkei 225 à 29.297,32 points (0,49%) </span></span></p>\r\n \r\n <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14pt"><span style="font-family:"Bookman Old Style",serif">Du côté du cours de change, la variation par rapport à la clôture à New York l’EUR/USD affiche 1,2129 avec une hausse de 0,01%, l’EUR/JPY table sur 133,49 (+0,03%) et l’USD/JPY demeure stable avec 110,07.</span></span></p>\r\n \r\n <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14pt"><span style="font-family:"Bookman Old Style",serif">Le PDG d'Orange, Stéphane Richard sera auditionné mercredi par la commission des Affaires économiques de l'Assemblée nationale sur les dysfonctionnements qui ont affectés début juin l'appel des numéros d'urgence. Mardi soir, le directeur général de Suez, Bertrand Camus, a annoncé qu'il ne dirigerait pas le groupe après la cession d'une partie de ses activités à Veolia et son rachat par un consortium de fonds. Après avoir bataillé pendant des mois contre le projet d'offre publique d'achat de Veolia, Bertrand Camus a finalement accepté de signer la paix avec son concurrent le mois dernier. L'accord conclu entre les deux groupes prévoit la reprise par Veolia d'un ensemble d'actifs de Suez à l'international et la rétrocession des activités en France à un consortium composé du groupe Caisse des dépôts, dont CNP Assurances, et des fonds Meridiam et GIP.</span></span></p>\r\n \r\n <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14pt"><span style="font-family:"Bookman Old Style",serif">Les marchés d'actions européens devraient ouvrir sur une note prudente mercredi à l'approche des annonces de politique monétaire de la Réserve fédérale (Fed). A 7h40, le contrat à terme sur le CAC 40 gagnait 5,6 points, soit 0,08%, selon les données du courtier IG Markets. Le contrat sur le DAX 30 prenait 3,5 points, ou 0,02%, et celui sur le FTSE 100 s'adjugeait 7,7 points, soit 0,1%. Le communiqué de la Fed est attendu à 20h00 et le président de la banque centrale américaine, Jerome Powell, tiendra une conférence de presse à partir de 20h30. L'institution devrait laisser ses taux inchangés, mais les investisseurs attendent des indications sur le calendrier d'une éventuelle diminution des achats d'actifs, actuellement de 120 milliards de dollars par mois, ainsi que sur la reprise économique et l'inflation aux Etats-Unis.</span></span></p>\r\n \r\n <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14pt"><span style="font-family:"Bookman Old Style",serif">La Fed pourrait signaler qu'elle est sur le point de réduire la taille de son programme d'achat d'obligations. Une telle annonce entraînerait une hausse des rendements obligataires, qui affecterait en retour la valorisation des actions. Le marché craint également que la banque centrale américaine relève ses taux à court terme plus tôt que prévu, l'inflation ayant nettement accéléré ces derniers temps aux Etats-Unis. Dans ce contexte, Wall Street a terminé en légère baisse mardi au lendemain de nouveaux records et après l'annonce d'un recul plus important que prévu des ventes au détail aux Etats-Unis en mai. L'indice Dow Jones (DJIA) a perdu 0,3%, à 34.299 points, et l'indice élargi S&P 500 a reculé de 0,2%, à 4.246 points. Le Nasdaq Composite a cédé 0,7%, à 14.072,86 points. </span></span></p>\r\n \r\n <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14pt"><span style="font-family:"Bookman Old Style",serif">En Asie, les principales places boursières reculent mercredi. En fin de séance, l'indice Nikkei perdait 0,5% à Tokyo, comme le Hang Seng de la Bourse de Hong Kong. L'indice Shanghai Composite reculait de 1%.</span></span></p>\r\n \r\n <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14pt"><span style="font-family:"Bookman Old Style",serif"> Les rendements des obligations du Trésor américain évoluent peu mercredi matin, alors que les investisseurs attendent les annonces de la Fed. A 7h40, le rendement du bon du Trésor à dix, titre de référence du marché, s'établissait à 1,498%, comme mardi soir. Bank of America craint que la Fed soit obligée d'agir prochainement, tandis qu'Oxford Economics souligne que les autorités monétaires, aux Etats-Unis comme en Europe, ne mentionnent pas beaucoup plus l'inflation dans leurs communiqués qu'elles ne le font habituellement, ce qui pourrait constituer un signe que leur politique restera accommodante.</span></span></p>\r\n \r\n <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14pt"><span style="font-family:"Bookman Old Style",serif">L'euro est stable mercredi matin, à 1,2130 dollar, dans un marché attentiste avant les annonces de la Fed. Selon TD Securities, le dollar bénéficierait d'une politique moins accommodante de la Réserve fédérale. Jerome Powell indiquera probablement ce mercredi que les discussions sur un plan de retrait des achats d'actifs ont débuté tout en insistant sur le fait que le calendrier dépendra de nouveaux progrès substantiels vers les objectifs de la Fed. Les projections de taux des membres du comité de politique monétaire indiqueront probablement que la première hausse du taux des fonds fédéraux pourrait intervenir d'ici à la fin 2023, estime TD.</span></span></p>\r\n \r\n <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14pt"><span style="font-family:"Bookman Old Style",serif">Les contrats pétroliers poursuivent leur hausse mercredi et évoluent à leurs plus hauts niveaux depuis plus de deux ans, portés par l'optimisme des marchés concernant la demande, tandis que les négociations sur le nucléaire iranien restent sous surveillance. La demande de pétrole devrait progresser tout au long de l'été car les restrictions liées à la crise sanitaire continuent d'être assouplies aux Etats-Unis et dans de nombreuses régions du monde. </span></span></p>\r\n \r\n <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14pt"><span style="font-family:"Bookman Old Style",serif">Selon les analystes interrogés par le Wall Street Journal, les stocks de brut devraient ressortir en baisse de 2,9 millions de barils et les stocks d'essence devraient avoir diminué de 800.000 barils la semaine dernière. A 7h30, le contrat d'août sur le Brent de mer du Nord prenait 61 cents, à 74,50 dollars le baril, et celui de juillet sur le WTI gagnait 45 cents, à 72,57 dollars le baril.</span></span></p> """ -source: null -date: DateTime @1623801600 {#1004 : 2021-06-16 00:00:00.0 UTC (+00:00) } -heure: null -image: null -created_at: DateTime @1623847255 {#1003 : 2021-06-16 12:40:55.0 UTC (+00:00) } -updated_at: null -status: true -premium: false -titreimage: null -commentaires: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#1018 …} -notify_at: DateTime @1623853209 {#1002 : 2021-06-16 14:20:09.0 UTC (+00:00) } -bookmarks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#1213 …} -titre_en: "Morning report" -description_en: """ <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14pt"><span style="font-family: "Bookman Old Style”, Serif">The Fed's announcements are making markets cautious. On Wednesday, June 16, 2021, the Eurostoxx 50 opened on a positive note of 4,143.52 points (0.26%), the CAC 40 posted 6,639.52 points (0.35%), the DAX 30 expects 15.729.52 points (0.36%), the FTT SE 100 to 7,172.48 points (0.36%), the SMI at 11.921.97 points (0.47%), the AEX at 730.98 points (0.12%) and the BEL 20 at 4.221.19 points (0.01%). The IBEX 35 opens with a negative note of 9,230.70 points with a drop of 0.54%. The decline was also noticeable at the DJIA which stood at 34,299.33 points (0.27%), the Nasdaq at 14,072.86 points (0.71%), the S&P 500 at 4,246.59 points (0.20%), the Nikkei 225 at</span></span></p> 29,297.32 points (0.49%)\r\n \r\n </span><p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14pt"><span style="font-family: "Bookman Old Style”, Serif">On the exchange rate side, the change compared to the close in New York the EUR/USD rose by 0.01%, the EUR/JPY is at 133.49 (+0.03%) and the USD/JPY remains stable at 110.07.</span></p>\r\n \r\n <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14pt"><span style="font-family: "Bookman Old Style”, serif">The CEO of Orange, Stéphane Richard, will be interviewed on Wednesday by the National Assembly's Economic Affairs Committee on the malfunctions that affected the call of emergency numbers in early June. On Tuesday evening, the CEO of Suez, Bertrand Camus, announced that he would not lead the group after the sale of part of its activities to Veolia and its acquisition by a consortium of funds. After fighting for months against Veolia's proposed takeover offer, Bertrand Camus finally agreed to sign peace with his competitor last month. The agreement concluded between the two groups provides for the takeover by Veolia of a set of Suez's international assets and the handover of activities in France to a consortium composed of the Caisse des Depots group, including CNP Assurances, and the Meridiam and GIP</span></span></p> funds.\r\n \r\n <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14pt"><span style="font-family: "Bookman Old Style”, Serif">European equity markets are expected to open on a cautious note on Wednesday ahead of the Federal Reserve's (Fed) monetary policy announcements. At 7:40 a.m., the CAC 40 futures contract gained 5.6 points, or 0.08%, according to data from broker IG Markets. The contract on the DAX 30 took 3.5 points, or 0.02%, and the one on the FTSE 100 won 7.7 points, or 0.1%. The Fed statement is expected at 20:00 and the President of the US Central Bank, Jerome Powell, will hold a press conference starting at 20:30. The institution is expected to leave rates unchanged, but investors are waiting for indications on the timing of a possible reduction in asset purchases, currently by $120 billion per month, as well as on economic recovery and inflation in the United States</span></span></p>.\r\n \r\n <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14pt"><span style="font-family: "Bookman Old Style”, Serif">The Fed may signal that it is about to reduce the size of its bond buying program. Such an announcement would lead to a rise in bond yields, which would in turn affect the valuation of shares. The market is also concerned that the US central bank will raise short-term rates sooner than expected, as inflation has accelerated sharply in the United States recently. In this context, Wall Street finished slightly lower on Tuesday, following new records and after the announcement of a sharper than expected drop in retail sales in the United States in May. The Dow Jones Index (DJIA) lost 0.3%, to 34,299 points, and the S&P 500 expanded index fell 0.2%, to 4,246 points. The Nasdaq Composite lost 0.7% to 14,072.86 points</span></span></p>.\r\n \r\n <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14pt"><span style="font-family: "Bookman Old Style”, Serif">In Asia, the main stock markets fell on Wednesday. At the end of the session, the Nikkei index lost 0.5% in Tokyo, like the Hang Seng on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The Shanghai Composite Index fell by 1%.</span></span></p>\r\n \r\n <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14pt"><span style="font-family: "Bookman Old Style”, serif"> U.S. Treasury bond yields were little changed on Wednesday morning, as investors await Fed announcements. At 7:40 a.m., the yield on the ten-dollar Treasury note, the market benchmark, stood at 1.498%, as on Tuesday evening. Bank of America is concerned that the Fed will be forced to act soon, while Oxford Economics points out that monetary authorities, in the United States and Europe, do not mention inflation much more in their press releases than they usually do, which could be a sign that their policy will remain</span></span></p> accommodative.\r\n \r\n <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14pt"><span style="font-family: "Bookman Old Style”, Serif">The euro was stable Wednesday morning, at $1.2130, in a wait and see market ahead of the Fed's announcements. According to TD Securities, the dollar would benefit from a less accommodative Federal Reserve policy. Jerome Powell will likely indicate on Wednesday that discussions on a plan to withdraw asset purchases have begun while insisting that the timetable will depend on further substantial progress towards the Fed's goals. Rate projections by members of the monetary policy committee will likely indicate that the first increase in the federal funds rate could occur by the end of 2023, estimates TD</span></span></p>.\r\n \r\n <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14pt"><span style="font-family: "Bookman Old Style”, Serif">Oil contracts continued to rise on Wednesday and are at their highest levels in more than two years, driven by market optimism about demand, while Iran's nuclear negotiations remain under scrutiny. Oil demand is expected to rise throughout the summer as restrictions related to the health crisis continue to be relaxed in the United States and in many parts of the</span></span></p> world.\r\n \r\n <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14pt"><span style="font-family: "Bookman Old Style”, Serif">According to analysts polled by the Wall Street Journal, crude inventories are expected to fall by 2.9 million barrels and gasoline stocks are expected to have fallen by 800,000 barrels last week. At 7:30am, the August North Sea Brent contract was rising 61 cents, at $74.50 per barrel, and the July WTI contract was earning 45 cents, at $72.57</span></span></p> per barrel. """ } |
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[ [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\security-csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage.php" "line" => 88 "function" => "set" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\security-csrf\CsrfTokenManager.php" "line" => 77 "function" => "setToken" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\form\Extension\Csrf\Type\FormTypeCsrfExtension.php" "line" => 78 "function" => "getToken" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\form\ResolvedFormType.php" "line" => 167 "function" => "finishView" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Csrf\Type\FormTypeCsrfExtension" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\form\Extension\DataCollector\Proxy\ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy.php" "line" => 111 "function" => "finishView" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\form\ResolvedFormType.php" "line" => 160 "function" => "finishView" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\Proxy\ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\form\Extension\DataCollector\Proxy\ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy.php" "line" => 111 "function" => "finishView" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\form\Form.php" "line" => 1070 "function" => "finishView" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\Proxy\ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\src\Controller\Site\NewsController.php" "line" => 165 "function" => "createView" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Form\Form" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 163 "function" => "show" "class" => "App\Controller\Site\NewsController" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 75 "function" => "handleRaw" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Kernel.php" "line" => 202 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "run" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\public\index.php" "line" => 5 "args" => [ "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" ] "function" => "require_once" ] ] |
[ [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\security-core\Authentication\Token\Storage\UsageTrackingTokenStorage.php" "line" => 44 "function" => "getMetadataBag" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\twig-bridge\AppVariable.php" "line" => 82 "function" => "getToken" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\UsageTrackingTokenStorage" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\twig\twig\src\Extension\CoreExtension.php" "line" => 1754 "function" => "getUser" "class" => "Symfony\Bridge\Twig\AppVariable" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\var\cache\dev\twig\b7\b717152c674b92c49aeeb1701042b171.php" "line" => 352 "function" => "getAttribute" "class" => "Twig\Extension\CoreExtension" "type" => "::" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\twig\twig\src\Template.php" "line" => 393 "function" => "doDisplay" "class" => "__TwigTemplate_00cf878c615407e2bcf48656dcd1a8f1" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\var\cache\dev\twig\c6\c62251d0e6365a4b62ddf7654aaf125b.php" "line" => 57 "function" => "yield" "class" => "Twig\Template" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\twig\twig\src\Template.php" "line" => 393 "function" => "doDisplay" "class" => "__TwigTemplate_9b0024311f5b4972f09c4021fa57f822" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\twig\twig\src\Template.php" "line" => 349 "function" => "yield" "class" => "Twig\Template" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\twig\twig\src\Template.php" "line" => 364 "function" => "display" "class" => "Twig\Template" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\twig\twig\src\TemplateWrapper.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "render" "class" => "Twig\Template" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\twig\twig\src\Environment.php" "line" => 306 "function" => "render" "class" => "Twig\TemplateWrapper" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\src\Controller\BaseController.php" "line" => 38 "function" => "render" "class" => "Twig\Environment" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\src\Controller\Site\NewsController.php" "line" => 159 "function" => "render" "class" => "App\Controller\BaseController" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 163 "function" => "show" "class" => "App\Controller\Site\NewsController" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 75 "function" => "handleRaw" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Kernel.php" "line" => 202 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "run" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\public\index.php" "line" => 5 "args" => [ "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" ] "function" => "require_once" ] ] |
[ [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector.php" "line" => 72 "function" => "getMetadataBag" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Profiler\Profiler.php" "line" => 161 "function" => "collect" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener.php" "line" => 108 "function" => "collect" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\Profiler" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener.php" "line" => 118 "function" => "onKernelResponse" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php" "line" => 230 "function" => "__invoke" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php" "line" => 59 "function" => "callListeners" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher.php" "line" => 154 "function" => "dispatch" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 196 "function" => "dispatch" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 184 "function" => "filterResponse" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 75 "function" => "handleRaw" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Kernel.php" "line" => 202 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "run" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\public\index.php" "line" => 5 "args" => [ "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" ] "function" => "require_once" ] ] |
[ [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector.php" "line" => 73 "function" => "getMetadataBag" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Profiler\Profiler.php" "line" => 161 "function" => "collect" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener.php" "line" => 108 "function" => "collect" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\Profiler" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener.php" "line" => 118 "function" => "onKernelResponse" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php" "line" => 230 "function" => "__invoke" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php" "line" => 59 "function" => "callListeners" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher.php" "line" => 154 "function" => "dispatch" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 196 "function" => "dispatch" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 184 "function" => "filterResponse" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 75 "function" => "handleRaw" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Kernel.php" "line" => 202 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "run" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\public\index.php" "line" => 5 "args" => [ "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" ] "function" => "require_once" ] ] |
[ [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector.php" "line" => 74 "function" => "getMetadataBag" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Profiler\Profiler.php" "line" => 161 "function" => "collect" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener.php" "line" => 108 "function" => "collect" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\Profiler" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener.php" "line" => 118 "function" => "onKernelResponse" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php" "line" => 230 "function" => "__invoke" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php" "line" => 59 "function" => "callListeners" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher.php" "line" => 154 "function" => "dispatch" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 196 "function" => "dispatch" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 184 "function" => "filterResponse" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 75 "function" => "handleRaw" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Kernel.php" "line" => 202 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "run" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\public\index.php" "line" => 5 "args" => [ "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" ] "function" => "require_once" ] ] |
[ [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector.php" "line" => 75 "function" => "all" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Profiler\Profiler.php" "line" => 161 "function" => "collect" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener.php" "line" => 108 "function" => "collect" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\Profiler" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener.php" "line" => 118 "function" => "onKernelResponse" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php" "line" => 230 "function" => "__invoke" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php" "line" => 59 "function" => "callListeners" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher.php" "line" => 154 "function" => "dispatch" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 196 "function" => "dispatch" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 184 "function" => "filterResponse" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 75 "function" => "handleRaw" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Kernel.php" "line" => 202 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "run" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\public\index.php" "line" => 5 "args" => [ "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" ] "function" => "require_once" ] ] |
[ [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector.php" "line" => 76 "function" => "getFlashBag" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Profiler\Profiler.php" "line" => 161 "function" => "collect" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener.php" "line" => 108 "function" => "collect" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\Profiler" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener.php" "line" => 118 "function" => "onKernelResponse" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php" "line" => 230 "function" => "__invoke" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php" "line" => 59 "function" => "callListeners" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher.php" "line" => 154 "function" => "dispatch" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 196 "function" => "dispatch" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 184 "function" => "filterResponse" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 75 "function" => "handleRaw" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Kernel.php" "line" => 202 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "run" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\public\index.php" "line" => 5 "args" => [ "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" ] "function" => "require_once" ] ] |
No flash messages were created.
Server Parameters
Server Parameters
Defined in .env
Key | Value |
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Defined as regular env variables
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