NewsController :: show
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Key | Value |
lang | "fr" |
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Request Attributes
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_controller | "App\Controller\Site\NewsController::show" |
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news | App\Entity\News {#1000 -id: 164 -type: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#936 …} -user: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\User {#1062 …} -titre: "Cote d'Ivoire / Lutte contre l'orpaillage illégal : Jean-Claude Kouassi annonce d'importantes mesures" -description: """ <p>Face à la presse le 13 juin, à son cabinet, au Plateau, Jean- Claude Kouassi, le ministre des Mines et de la Géologie, a annoncé plusieurs mesures devant contribuer à mettre fin ou à réduire considérablement l'orpaillage illégal en Côte d'Ivoire, un pays riche en ressources minières.</p>\r\n \r\n <p>Au nombre de ces mesures, figure la reprise de la délivrance des autorisations d'exploitation minière artisanale et semi-industrielle aux orpailleurs. Celle-ci, au cours de ces dernières années, avait été suspendue.</p>\r\n \r\n <p>« L'administration des Mines a été instruite en vue d'accélérer le traitement des requêtes en souffrance », rassure le ministre qui était entouré au cours de cet exercice par ses plus proches collaborateurs.</p>\r\n \r\n <p>Selon lui, un point particulier sera accordé à l'étude d'impact environnemental et social pour laquelle une réflexion est en cours avec le ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement durable. L'objectif étant de réaliser cette étude dans un délai raisonnable et à moindre coût.</p>\r\n \r\n <p>Jean-Claude Kouassi a également annoncé la réactivation des Comités techniques locaux (Ctl) pour éviter les recolonisations. Ces Ctl, institués dans le cadre du Programme national de rationalisation de l'orpaillage (Pro), sont présidés par les préfets. Ils ont pour mission de veiller et de suivre la bonne exécution des mesures arrêtées au plan local.</p>\r\n \r\n <p>Sur toute l'étendue du territoire national, ce sont100 Ctl qui ont été retenus pour être activés au « regard de l'ampleur de l'orpaillage clandestin » dans certaines localités, rappelle le ministre. Chaque Ctl devra tenir au moins quatre séances par an, en vue de la mise en œuvre et du suivi des mesures de lutte contre l'orpaillage.</p>\r\n \r\n <p>La définition, par voie de décrets, de couloirs minéralisés à destination des opérateurs du secteur de la petite mine fait partie de ces décisions. En effet, la loi n°2014-138 du 24 mars 2014 portant code minier prévoit, en ses articles 52 et 64, des zones à déclasser et à réserver aux activités d'exploitation minière artisanale et semi-industrielle.</p>\r\n \r\n <p>L'intérêt de ces dispositions est de garantir la faisabilité et la rentabilité de la petite mine dédiée, par principe, aux ressources minérales alluvionnaires ou à la surface du sol. La loi n°2014-138 du 24 mars 2014 portant code minier prévoit, en ses articles 52 et 64, des zones à déclasser et à réserver aux activités d'exploitation minière artisanale et semi-industrielle.</p>\r\n \r\n <p>L'intérêt de ces dispositions est de garantir la faisabilité et la rentabilité de la petite mine dédiée, par principe, aux ressources minérales alluvionnaires ou à la surface du sol. Aussi, un projet de décret a-t-il été transmis au Secrétariat général du gouvernement le 30 avril 2019 en vue de répertorier, sur l'ensemble du territoire national, les zones propices à la petite exploitation minière.</p>\r\n \r\n <p>La dernière mesure est relative à la réactivation de la coopération Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana. Les deux voisins ont conclu le 17 octobre 2017 un accord de partenariat stratégique et deux mémorandums. L'objectif étant de renforcer la coopération en matière géologique et minière, ainsi que de lutter contre la prolifération de l'exploitation minière illégale à petite échelle.</p>\r\n \r\n <p><strong>Des interpellations</strong></p>\r\n \r\n <p>Face au phénomène de l'orpaillage illégal qui prend de plus en plus des proportions inquiétantes, les autorités ont décidé, depuis plusieurs mois, de durcir le ton. D'où la mise en place en décembre 2018, de la Brigade de répression des infractions au code minier (Bricm). Au 12 Juin 2019, ce sont 48 personnes qui ont été auditionnées et déférées devant les juridictions compétentes. Deux condamnations ont été prononcées. Ces mis en cause qui doivent payer plusieurs dizaines de millions de FCfa, sont pour la plupart des Ivoiriens, des ressortissants de la Cedeao et des Asiatiques.</p>\r\n \r\n <p>C'est grâce à quatre opérations de répression organisées dans cinq régions (Sud-Comoé, La Mé, Iffou, Gontougou, Indénie-Djuablin), que ces résultats ont été obtenus. De l'or, des fusils calibre 12 avec des munitions, des véhicules, plusieurs dizaines d'engins lourds notamment des pelleteuses, de puissants générateurs, des dizaines de bouteille de gaz butane, des réfrigérateurs, des motocyclettes, des stupéfiants... constituent la saisie qui a été faite lors de ces opérations. Comme le soutient le ministre, « elles vont continuer » jusqu'à mettre fin au phénomène. « Les procédures sont en cours en vue de la confiscation et la vente de ce matériel conformément à la réglementation en vigueur », précise le représentant du gouvernement.</p>\r\n \r\n <p>L'orpaillage clandestin se développe de plus en plus dans de nombreuses régions du pays. Une situation qui entraîne, bien souvent, des violences débouchant sur des morts d'hommes, la destruction de l'environnement, la pollution des eaux avec l'utilisation du cyanure, un produit toxique pour l'homme, malgré les nombreuses mesures pour contrer ce phénomène. Fin juillet 2018, un gendarme a même été tué dans ce contexte dans le Nord du pays. Une récente évaluation de l'orpaillage clandestin a permis de dénombrer, sur l'ensemble du territoire national, au moins 241 sites clandestins, pour une population d'orpailleurs évaluée à 23 400 individus. Dans les pays voisins, ce phénomène est également récurrent. L'intérêt que suscite ce phénomène est dû au fait que le coût de l'or est en constante évolution. En effet, si en 2000, le cours de l'or était de 279.84 US/l'once, soit 5 218 FCfa le gramme, au 13 Juin 2019, il était de 1335.51US/l'once, soit 24 906 FCfa le gramme.</p>\r\n \r\n <p><strong>Mesures à venir</strong></p>\r\n \r\n <p>Dans la lutte contre l'orpaillage clandestin où les autorités mettent les bouchées doubles, plusieurs mesures sont annoncées dans les semaines à venir. Il s'agit de la poursuite de l'opération de démantèlement de l'ensemble des sites clandestins des régions du Gontougo, de l'Indénié-Djuablin et de la Mé, de l'ouverture de chantiers-écoles dans les régions du Gontougo, de l'Indénié-Djuablin et de la Mé, afin d'amener ceux des orpailleurs qui le souhaiteraient à sortir de la clandestinité. A l'échelle du territoire national, les autorités prévoient la poursuite et l'intensification du démantèlement de l'ensemble des sites clandestins d'extraction, ainsi que de traitement du minerai. Tout en renforçant la collaboration avec les services judiciaires, le ministère de tutelle compte diligenter des missions conjointes de répression de l'orpaillage clandestin avec le concours des Eaux et Forêts et de la gendarmerie nationale. L'orpaillage clandestin « est une menace pour notre économie », conclut le conférencier.</p> """ -source: " (Abidjan)" -date: DateTime @1560729600 {#1004 : 2019-06-17 00:00:00.0 UTC (+00:00) } -heure: DateTime @0 {#1003 : 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 UTC (+00:00) } -image: null -created_at: DateTime @1560964333 {#1002 : 2019-06-19 17:12:13.0 UTC (+00:00) } -updated_at: null -status: true -premium: false -titreimage: null -commentaires: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#1018 …} -notify_at: null -bookmarks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#1213 …} -titre_en: "Ivory Coast / Fight against illegal gold panning: Jean-Claude Kouassi announces important measures" -description_en: "<p>Faced with the press on June 13, at his office in Le Plateau, Jean-Claude Kouassi, the Minister of Mines and Geology, announced several measures that should contribute to ending or considerably reducing illegal gold panning in Côte d' Ivoire, a country rich in mineral resources.</p><p> Among these measures is the resumption of the issuance of artisanal and semi-industrial mining authorizations to artisanal gold miners. This, in recent years, had been suspended.</p><p> "The administration of Mines has been instructed to speed up the processing of outstanding requests", reassures the minister who was surrounded during this exercise by his closest collaborators.</p><p> According to him, a particular point will be given to the environmental and social impact study for which reflection is underway with the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development. The objective is to carry out this study within a reasonable time and at a lower cost.</p><p> Jean-Claude Kouassi also announced the reactivation of local technical committees (Ctl) to avoid recolonization. These Ctl, instituted within the framework of the national program for the rationalization of gold panning (Pro), are chaired by the prefects. Their mission is to monitor and monitor the proper execution of the measures decided on at the local level.</p><p> Throughout the national territory, 100 Ctls have been selected to be activated "in view of the extent of clandestine gold panning" in certain localities, recalls the minister. Each Ctl must hold at least four meetings per year, with a view to implementing and monitoring measures to combat gold panning.</p><p> The definition, by means of decrees, of mineralized corridors intended for operators in the small-scale mining sector is part of these decisions. Indeed, Law No. 2014-138 of March 24, 2014 on the mining code provides, in its articles 52 and 64, areas to be downgraded and reserved for artisanal and semi-industrial mining activities.</p><p> The interest of these provisions is to guarantee the feasibility and profitability of the small mine dedicated, in principle, to alluvial or surface mineral resources. Law No. 2014-138 of March 24, 2014 on the mining code provides, in its articles 52 and 64, areas to be downgraded and reserved for artisanal and semi-industrial mining activities.</p><p> The interest of these provisions is to guarantee the feasibility and profitability of the small mine dedicated, in principle, to alluvial or surface mineral resources. Also, a draft decree was transmitted to the General Secretariat of the Government on April 30, 2019 with a view to listing, throughout the national territory, the areas suitable for small-scale mining.</p><p> The last measure relates to the reactivation of Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana cooperation. The two neighbors concluded on October 17, 2017 a strategic partnership agreement and two memoranda. The objective is to strengthen cooperation in geological and mining matters, as well as to fight against the proliferation of illegal small-scale mining.</p><p> <strong>Arrests</strong></p><p> Faced with the phenomenon of illegal gold panning, which is taking more and more worrying proportions, the authorities have decided, for several months, to toughen up the tone. Hence the establishment in December 2018 of the Brigade for the repression of breaches of the mining code (Bricm). As of June 12, 2019, 48 people have been heard and brought before the competent courts. Two convictions were handed down. These defendants, who have to pay several tens of millions of FCfa, are mostly Ivorians, ECOWAS nationals and Asians.</p><p> It is thanks to four repression operations organized in five regions (Sud-Comoé, La Mé, Iffou, Gontougou, Indénie-Djuablin), that these results were obtained. Gold, 12 gauge rifles with ammunition, vehicles, dozens of heavy machinery including diggers, powerful generators, dozens of butane gas bottles, refrigerators, motorcycles, narcotics... constitute the input that was made during these operations. As the minister maintains, “they will continue” until the phenomenon is over. "Procedures are underway for the confiscation and sale of this material in accordance with the regulations in force," said the government representative.</p><p> Clandestine gold panning is developing more and more in many regions of the country. A situation that often leads to violence leading to the death of men, the destruction of the environment, water pollution with the use of cyanide, a toxic product for humans, despite the many measures to counter this phenomenon. At the end of July 2018, a gendarme was even killed in this context in the north of the country. A recent evaluation of clandestine gold panning made it possible to count, on the whole of the national territory, at least 241 clandestine sites, for a population of gold panners estimated at 23,400 individuals. In neighboring countries, this phenomenon is also recurrent. The interest in this phenomenon is due to the fact that the price of gold is constantly changing. Indeed, if in 2000, the price of gold was 279.84 US / ounce, or 5,218 FCfa per gram, on June 13, 2019, it was 1335.51 US / ounce, or 24,906 FCfa per gram .</p><p> <strong>Upcoming measures</strong></p><p> In the fight against illegal gold panning where the authorities are working hard, several measures are announced in the coming weeks. This concerns the continuation of the operation to dismantle all the clandestine sites in the regions of Gontougo, Indénié-Djuablin and Mé, the opening of school sites in the regions of Gontougo, of the Indénié-Djuablin and the Mé, in order to bring those gold miners who wish to do so out of hiding. On a national scale, the authorities plan to continue and intensify the dismantling of all the clandestine extraction sites, as well as the processing of the ore. While strengthening collaboration with the judicial services, the supervisory ministry intends to carry out joint missions to suppress illegal gold panning with the assistance of Waters and Forests and the National Gendarmerie. Clandestine gold panning “is a threat to our economy”, concludes the speaker.</p>" } |
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Session 9
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[ [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\security-core\Authentication\Token\Storage\UsageTrackingTokenStorage.php" "line" => 44 "function" => "getMetadataBag" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\twig-bridge\AppVariable.php" "line" => 82 "function" => "getToken" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\UsageTrackingTokenStorage" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\twig\twig\src\Extension\CoreExtension.php" "line" => 1754 "function" => "getUser" "class" => "Symfony\Bridge\Twig\AppVariable" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\var\cache\dev\twig\b7\b717152c674b92c49aeeb1701042b171.php" "line" => 352 "function" => "getAttribute" "class" => "Twig\Extension\CoreExtension" "type" => "::" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\twig\twig\src\Template.php" "line" => 393 "function" => "doDisplay" "class" => "__TwigTemplate_00cf878c615407e2bcf48656dcd1a8f1" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\var\cache\dev\twig\c6\c62251d0e6365a4b62ddf7654aaf125b.php" "line" => 57 "function" => "yield" "class" => "Twig\Template" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\twig\twig\src\Template.php" "line" => 393 "function" => "doDisplay" "class" => "__TwigTemplate_9b0024311f5b4972f09c4021fa57f822" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\twig\twig\src\Template.php" "line" => 349 "function" => "yield" "class" => "Twig\Template" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\twig\twig\src\Template.php" "line" => 364 "function" => "display" "class" => "Twig\Template" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\twig\twig\src\TemplateWrapper.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "render" "class" => "Twig\Template" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\twig\twig\src\Environment.php" "line" => 306 "function" => "render" "class" => "Twig\TemplateWrapper" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\src\Controller\BaseController.php" "line" => 38 "function" => "render" "class" => "Twig\Environment" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\src\Controller\Site\NewsController.php" "line" => 159 "function" => "render" "class" => "App\Controller\BaseController" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 163 "function" => "show" "class" => "App\Controller\Site\NewsController" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 75 "function" => "handleRaw" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Kernel.php" "line" => 202 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "run" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\public\index.php" "line" => 5 "args" => [ "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" ] "function" => "require_once" ] ] |
[ [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector.php" "line" => 72 "function" => "getMetadataBag" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Profiler\Profiler.php" "line" => 161 "function" => "collect" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener.php" "line" => 108 "function" => "collect" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\Profiler" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener.php" "line" => 118 "function" => "onKernelResponse" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php" "line" => 230 "function" => "__invoke" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php" "line" => 59 "function" => "callListeners" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher.php" "line" => 154 "function" => "dispatch" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 196 "function" => "dispatch" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 184 "function" => "filterResponse" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 75 "function" => "handleRaw" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Kernel.php" "line" => 202 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "run" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\public\index.php" "line" => 5 "args" => [ "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" ] "function" => "require_once" ] ] |
[ [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector.php" "line" => 73 "function" => "getMetadataBag" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Profiler\Profiler.php" "line" => 161 "function" => "collect" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener.php" "line" => 108 "function" => "collect" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\Profiler" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener.php" "line" => 118 "function" => "onKernelResponse" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php" "line" => 230 "function" => "__invoke" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php" "line" => 59 "function" => "callListeners" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher.php" "line" => 154 "function" => "dispatch" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 196 "function" => "dispatch" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 184 "function" => "filterResponse" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 75 "function" => "handleRaw" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Kernel.php" "line" => 202 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "run" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\public\index.php" "line" => 5 "args" => [ "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" ] "function" => "require_once" ] ] |
[ [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector.php" "line" => 74 "function" => "getMetadataBag" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Profiler\Profiler.php" "line" => 161 "function" => "collect" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener.php" "line" => 108 "function" => "collect" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\Profiler" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener.php" "line" => 118 "function" => "onKernelResponse" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php" "line" => 230 "function" => "__invoke" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php" "line" => 59 "function" => "callListeners" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher.php" "line" => 154 "function" => "dispatch" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 196 "function" => "dispatch" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 184 "function" => "filterResponse" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 75 "function" => "handleRaw" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Kernel.php" "line" => 202 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "run" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\public\index.php" "line" => 5 "args" => [ "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" ] "function" => "require_once" ] ] |
[ [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector.php" "line" => 75 "function" => "all" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Profiler\Profiler.php" "line" => 161 "function" => "collect" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener.php" "line" => 108 "function" => "collect" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\Profiler" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener.php" "line" => 118 "function" => "onKernelResponse" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php" "line" => 230 "function" => "__invoke" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php" "line" => 59 "function" => "callListeners" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher.php" "line" => 154 "function" => "dispatch" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 196 "function" => "dispatch" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 184 "function" => "filterResponse" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 75 "function" => "handleRaw" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Kernel.php" "line" => 202 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "run" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\public\index.php" "line" => 5 "args" => [ "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" ] "function" => "require_once" ] ] |
[ [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector.php" "line" => 76 "function" => "getFlashBag" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Profiler\Profiler.php" "line" => 161 "function" => "collect" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener.php" "line" => 108 "function" => "collect" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\Profiler" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener.php" "line" => 118 "function" => "onKernelResponse" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php" "line" => 230 "function" => "__invoke" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php" "line" => 59 "function" => "callListeners" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher.php" "line" => 154 "function" => "dispatch" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 196 "function" => "dispatch" "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 184 "function" => "filterResponse" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\HttpKernel.php" "line" => 75 "function" => "handleRaw" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\http-kernel\Kernel.php" "line" => 202 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\symfony\runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" "line" => 35 "function" => "run" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner" "type" => "->" ] [ "file" => "D:\web\site-preprod\public\index.php" "line" => 5 "args" => [ "D:\web\site-preprod\vendor\autoload_runtime.php" ] "function" => "require_once" ] ] |
No flash messages were created.
Server Parameters
Server Parameters
Defined in .env
Key | Value |
APP_DEBUG | "1" |
APP_ENV | "dev" |
APP_SECRET | "04c08eda9e10436d83e7e467d85ab892" |
CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN | "^https?://(localhost|127\.0\.0\.1)(:[0-9]+)?$" |
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JWT_SECRET_KEY | "%kernel.project_dir%/config/jwt/private.pem" |
MAILER_DSN | "smtp://[email protected]:[email protected]:25" |
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Defined as regular env variables
Key | Value |
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CommonProgramFiles(x86) | "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files" |
CommonProgramW6432 | "C:\Program Files\Common Files" |
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PUBLIC | "C:\Users\Public" |
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TEMP | "C:\Windows\TEMP" |
TMP | "C:\Windows\TEMP" |
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